A Field of Wildflower Goodness & Some Lovers.


We have been in total lockdown for the past few months due to COVID-19 which has been pretty rough for our business if I’m honest. BUT, during these past few months I’ve been working every single day investing into my business, looking at areas I need to work on and doing all I can to make the most out of a sticky situation. You may have noticed I re-did my whole website from scratch and I love it - I put my heart, soul and personality into this website. I have been re-editing old galleries and just working on my editing skills as a whole which has been super fun. I’ve been watching lots of educational videos and learning lots that I’m looking forward to implement and so much more. But the thing I’ve missed most has been shooting.

So undoubtedly after not having had any sort of human interaction for months on end and not having picked up my camera I was feeling a little rusty. So we of course set up a shoot for fun with our best and super talented friends - Tamar & Matt and we just had a play. We drove to a little nature reserve full of buttercups and lay in amongst them until it went dark. This also was perfect timing as their anniversary is just around the corner!

One of the things I had been super keen to try and implement after learning about it was using Kelvin instead of one of the auto white balance settings on my camera. Now, I’ve played around with Kelvin before - but that was without any research into it and with zero understanding as to how it all works. But oh myyyyy, I LOVED how these photos came out and how much easier it made my editing for skin tones - so I’m definitely excited to use Kelvin more and see how my business grows as I do.

Anyway, here are the photographs of our bestest and most dear friends and here’s to many more shoots for fun.


Abi & Darren | Craigmillar Castle Adventure Session


Matt & Tamar | Portobello Beach Adventure Session