Abi & Darren | Craigmillar Castle Adventure Session

Abi & Darren are two of the most sweetest souls and we’ve had the pleasure of hanging out with them a couple of times now. What I love most about them is their passion for just going all in! They’re also an incredible Photography & Videography duo and you can check out their work over on One of These Days Photography.

We had planned to shoot at Craigmillar Castle in the late afternoon and when we checked the weather forecast we saw it was due to rain and for there to be thunderstorms too - BUT we decided we’d shoot anyway because couples photos in the rain are SO ROMANTIC. So we came super prepared with raincoats, towels, fluffy socks - the lot.

When we arrived the sun came out and it turned out to be a pretty beautiful evening (which I’m in no way mad about). I always find the Scottish Weather to be a funny one because you literally can NEVER know what to expect!


Karo & Sam | Edinburgh Beach Adventure Session


A Field of Wildflower Goodness & Some Lovers.