Declan & Olivia | Isle of Skye Adventure Session
"Posing" has never felt authentic to me - it's felt rigid and out of place in the style of work we do and so we don't "pose" not like that anyway! Instead we lead with loose direction - soft and gentle prompting that allows for those we're photographing to fall into what feels natural for them!
When I'm shooting I'm constantly looking for compositions that feel visually interesting to me and working in the wilds of Scotland, there's just so much to be creatively inspired by! I always love to move myself around and find spots where my couples are framed within the landscape in a way that feels visually inviting.
Breaking the mould, holding space, keeping things loose, honest and authentic & thinking about compositions are what drives me for when I'm thinking about storytelling and I've loved getting to dive into all of this on a much deeper level with those who attended our Storytelling & Composition Group Mentorship days as part of @joannaelizaeducation
For the shoot we got to work with our sweet friends Declan & Olivia. These two were just an absolute ray of sunshine to work with and we had the best time venturing all over Skye with our amazing attendees and really exploring all elements of storytelling and composition.