Charlotte & Sam | Nottingham Maternity Session

In all the years I have known Charlotte her one true calling has been to be a Mother. I know she is going to be the best Mother and Sam is going to be the best Father in the world to their beautiful Baby Boy.

I can’t imagine what this pregnancy has been like for them during this strange season of life but I really do feel for them. Pregnancy is such a beautiful gift and I know they’ve found it hard not being able to celebrate with all their friends and family quite how they wished but I have no doubt that their beautiful Baby Boy will be welcomed into this world surrounded by love and will be celebrated all his life.

We had planned this shoot in hopes of beautiful weather but instead it was absolutely throwing it down with rain so we waited out in the car until we had a window of sunshine and although the window was short it was all we needed!!

I am so ridiculously happy for their growing family and I cannot wait to meet him when we are next in Nottingham.


Madi & Alex | Glencoe Adventure Session


Curtis & Kat | Nottingham Adventure Session