Abi & Darren | Edinburgh Home Couples Session

Celebrate love in the small moments.

Choose a record to listen to together.

Learn together.

Take time to hold hands even when you’re home.

Soak up your time together.

Enjoy the little things.

Write love notes.

Hold each other close.

Chat nonsense in the kitchen as you make your morning coffee.

Read poetry to one another.

Be slow and intentional and enjoy the every day.

We’re lucky and blessed to be alive and to be loved and that’s always worth celebrating, documenting and freezing in time!

Every now and then we like to get creative and have a play around with storytelling with our friends. A while ago I’d put a story up asking if anyone would be down for modelling for an in home couples session and our good friends Abi & Darren kindly offered to be our muses. They invited us into their home they share with their sweet dog Edgar. We drank tea & coffee, chatted about life and photographed them in their safe spaces. It’s always a vulnerable and beautiful thing for a couple to open up their home to us and truly be their honest and open selves too.

With all creative free portfolio sessions we do we like to go in with a little bit of a creative plan and so for this session I knew the outcome I wanted was to have explored new ways to artistically tell a story and so I knew I wanted to mostly play around with slow shutter, tights over my lens and a prism.

We loved that Abi & Darren wanted to share with us each something that was important to them. For Abi that’s spirituality which she has come to explore over the past few years and so together they made a love spell which was such a sweet thing to do together! And for Darren that’s coffee, so we chatted all things coffee whilst Darren made some!

We’re so thankful for their vulnerability and their hospitality and we loved getting to know them even more through doing this.


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