Shiloh, Tamar & Matt | 35mm Adventure Session

I have loved capturing Tamar & Matt in many ways over the past few years but this has to be my favourite! Their sweet little boy Shiloh Kumar is 12 weeks old and we had the absolute pleasure of spending the day with them and capturing 12 week old Shiloh’s vibrant and joyful personality!

I brought along my film camera and shot a roll during this beautiful day and when I got these back from the lab I felt so overwhelmed with emotions. My favourite photo of me and my dad when I was little is a candid film photo and in this day and age film photos just really are a thing of the past but I still think they’re just as special. I hope when Shiloh is older he loves looking back at these film photos from when he was only 12 weeks old!

Shot on: Kodak Portra 400


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