Our New Years Day in Northumberland
As we step into 2022 Nathan & I have been reflecting on how we are currently living and what we’d like to work towards. The main things we’ve taken away from 2021 is that our lives are busy and time is scarce. Both Nathan & I share the love language of quality time and throughout 2021 we rarely got to have that with each other. So as we enter 2022 we’d love to prioritise our time together, we’d like to slow down, visit new places and really live.
Another thing we noticed is that even though we’re photographers we don’t have many photos of the two of us. When I open my camera roll on my phone there’s over 12,000 photos on there and amongst those 12,000 there’s only a couple of hundred of us! So stepping forward we’d love to capture more memories for ourselves.
On New Years Day we went to one of the beautiful beaches in Northumberland with my little sister, I brought along my camera to capture some photos of the waves and the castle on the shore. This then spontaneously turned into a photoshoot / mentorship session. I passed my camera to my sister who photographed Nathan & I as we are. A true representation and the most real photographs of ourselves.
Eleanor is a talented soul (in all aspects of life) and I can’t wait to see her photography journey this year. If you’d like to follow her photography journey you can do so here.
This was a super fun and unique opportunity to teach, I set up shots by having Eleanor and/or Nathan in frame and took a shot as an example, passed my camera on and then stepped in frame myself.
Photos taken by Myself, Nathan & Eleanor and Edited by Myself.