Joanna Eliza | Soul & Earth
The seasons are changing
We are evolving
Like a river constantly flowing
So is she
I have to remind her
Slow down
Moments pass by unnoticed
Secrets kept by the earth
Longing to be shared
She must flow with the current cascading through her soul.
Meandering through nature.
Running with falls.
Bathing in pools.
Not worrying about where other rivers flow
How fast
Or how slow
No two rivers run the same.
Some rivers join &
Some disperse
But all hold importance in the universe.
She will grow
And she will change
But the love she has
Flowing through her veins
Will stay forever one and the same.
Some words I wrote reflecting on this season and who I am as an artist. I think imposter syndrome can seep in at any point and it’s so important to remind ourselves not to try to flow to anyone else’s current. To be ourselves. To love ourselves. To prioritise looking after ourselves and to find what feeds our souls. To never stop searching for the beauty in any given moment. To enjoy this life we’re living. To create art from the heart.