Jess & Tom | Isle of Skye Adventure Session

These two beautiful souls are just an absolute gift to know! We first met Jess & Tom over a zoom call when they inquired to book with us for their Elopement Video on the Isle of Skye. They were actually the first Elopement we ever filmed on Skye which is also such a special memory. Jess & Tom had travelled up to Skye for their Elopement from England and we had travelled up from Edinburgh. Little did we all know a few years down the line we’d all be living on Skye.

Sadly they needed to leave Skye for a little while whilst Jess would be completing her training for work with the goal to be able to fully transition to Skye. SO they knew they wanted photos in their home on Skye and what an honour it was to capture that.

We actually had planned to shoot the day before but as luck would have it we got a flat tyre on the drive to them. They kindly came to our rescue, we laughed a lot and enjoyed the sunrise whilst changing a Tyre and then we decided to try it all again the following day. Sometimes these things happen (if you’ve seen the roads on Skye you’ll know ahah) and we all just felt so calm and it just reminded us how precious Island life is.

The following morning was rainy and moody - exactly how Jess & Tom had envisioned as it perfectly represented Skye, their home and the life they were living here!

We spent time in their home, their garden and the village they lived in before they finished up with a rainy swim.

This gallery will forever be one of my all time favourites and I’m just so grateful everything happened the way it did! We are so sad to no longer have these guys as neighbours but we are SO excited for them to return!

We love them both so much and cannot wait for all the many more adventures we’ll share together!


Braidyn & Megan | Isle of Skye Adventure Session


Declan & Olivia | 35mm Film