Waving Goodbye to Winter | Glencoe Self Portraits
When we think back to the days we’re currently living what will we remember?
I want to remember this winter just gone. The way we’d play a YouTube video of a cosy fire. Nathan making fresh coffee. The moments of silence before we remember we need to flip the vinyl for it to continue to play. Crocheting many scarves for the people I love. Making Brussels and chorizo and calling it a meal. Lidl’s gluhwein. The snow capped mountains. The highlands being peaceful whilst the tourists hibernate. Layering up. Crocheting my first jumper. Snuggles with my doggo. Discovering a new favourite book. Allowing myself room to be creative. The endless amounts of cups of tea. Spending time with friends and family. New Years away in Northumberland. Nights spent watching pointless with Grandma & Grandad. Using the slow cooker. Taking photographs. My dad’s log burner. Binge watching taskmaster. Always watching the polar express on Christmas Eve. The colours of Glencoe being my favourite shades.
It has been a long hard winter but those have been my highlights. I’m glad spring is here now.