The Willos | Giants Causeway Family Session
Tamar, Matt & Shiloh are our chosen family here in Scotland. They’re our best friends and they’ve truly shaped us and our business and to us they are family. We have loved watching them grow into being parents and words cannot express how much we love seeing Shiloh as he discovers more of life - his joyfulness is so precious.
Nathan and I had the absolute honour to be booked to go to Northern Ireland to capture the sweetest honeymoon session along the Giants Causeway Coast. It also just so happened that at the exact same Tamar & Matt were booked to capture a couple of family sessions along the Causeway Coast too! So we of course made a mini trip of it and booked an AirBnB together and scouted out Giants Causeway together.
Whilst we were there we captured some memories for each other.
It is a gift to know them! They are so incredibly strong and inspiring and I can only hope these photographs of them remind them of that for years to come!